uuu jesiennie się zrobiło za oknem... no cóż... będzie więcej czasu na szycie :-D mimo silnej pokusy ukończenia tildowej baleriny, miniony weekend wykorzystałam w plenerze... były spacery, grabienie liści, wybieranie żołędzi z trawnika (robota godna mnicha ;-)) no i mała sesja zdjęciowa - nowego króliczka a jakże. Przycupnął malutki ze skradzioną marchewką na stosie drewna.
Materiały: ciałko królika wykonane z lnu, tunika z materiału Tilda "Stine White" z serii "Country Escape", fartuszek materiał Tilda "Mini Stripe Pink".
Pozdrawiam cieplutko!
I'm watching beautiful colors outside my window. The sun hits changing colors of the whirling leaves. Summer is leaving, Autumn is coming... but there is nothing to complain about... during cloudy and rainy days I'll have more time to sew some new Tilda characters :-)
This weekend I took advantage of some nice weather to take few photos of my new little Tilda bunny with carrot.
Fabrics: body - linen, tunic - Tilda fabric "Stine White" from "Country Escape" series, pinny - Tilda fabric "Mini Stripe Pink".
Materiały: ciałko królika wykonane z lnu, tunika z materiału Tilda "Stine White" z serii "Country Escape", fartuszek materiał Tilda "Mini Stripe Pink".
Pozdrawiam cieplutko!
I'm watching beautiful colors outside my window. The sun hits changing colors of the whirling leaves. Summer is leaving, Autumn is coming... but there is nothing to complain about... during cloudy and rainy days I'll have more time to sew some new Tilda characters :-)
This weekend I took advantage of some nice weather to take few photos of my new little Tilda bunny with carrot.
Fabrics: body - linen, tunic - Tilda fabric "Stine White" from "Country Escape" series, pinny - Tilda fabric "Mini Stripe Pink".
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